Offered Listings

Here is a small random selection of Listings currently Offered by members.
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Moving sale! Furniture, art, miscellaneous
I will be moving and downsizing, and wish to re-home most of my things. Loveseat, recliner, small kitchen table and chairs, bar stools, tasteful wall art and home decor, dry goods food, women's clothing, books, shelving, baskets, nightstands, and more! Open to barter, trade, LD, FIAT, crypto, or even gifting. Location: East Sequim. Time: come take a look by August 15, XXXX

Health & Personal
Healthcare Professional Services
A variety of healthcare services for Members of my Private Health Membership Association. Please see website: (under construction) Exchanges are negotiable based on a combination of Life Dollars and Cash, depending on time and services rendered.

Music & Entertainment
Coordinating Events
By MERYL. 1 Hour, 1 Life $. Coordinating, as well as organizing if desired: Workshops, family events, trainings, and the like. I am not familiar, however, with the technical side of music.

Health & Personal
Human Design readings
I've found great value in learning my own Human Design, and doing charts for family and friends. HD takes astrology to a new level, providing insight into why you are the way you are, and what is your 'life mission.' Useful in decision-making, e.g., career, projects and relationship choices. You'll gain insight into your conscious and unconscious behaviors, preferences, ways of seeing the world, etc. I will explain your chart, which is calculated using the exact date, time, and location of your birth. Cool stuff! 1-2 LD depending on depth you want. Can be done over the phone and chart emailed to you! Call for more info.

Homegrown Produce and canned items from my garden
Fresh produce in season. Canned fruit, pickles and sauces.

Arts & Crafts
Felted hats, slippers and bags
classes or projects, please contact me to inquire about my work

House-sitting/farm sitting available
Offering household care while you are away including mail pickup, watering plants, pet care, other. Open to barter or trade, LD

Dog walking
Available for dog walking your furry companion. Active and loving person with plentiful animal of experience. 1 LD per walk or open to barter/trade

Prepper food supplies - canned and dry goods
I have a stash of canned and dry goods that I'm ready to re-home. Happy to trade for fresh fruits/veggies/herbs or exchange for LD.

Homeschool experiential learning for kids
Let's make learning fun, meaningful, and relevant for the younger generation. Fresh-air (mask free) play, rain or sunshine exploring nature. Creative arts. Community building through Project-based learning. Hands-on math & science, music, art languages, nutrition, cooking, much more. Kids learn more than just academics in a multi-age, small group; one-to-one tutoring also possible, based on needs and interests. 2-4 LD per 1-2-hr session, sliding scale. Certified Teacher since XXXX. Let's talk about where we want education to go and stand up for our children.

Dog walking or coming by to let dog out
I am not a professional dog walker but I have fostered two dogs and adopted one and am happy to help out if you are within my general area (15-20 minute commute). West end Toronto.

Professional Services
Convert VHS video tapes to DVD
Don't toss it, convert it to DVD so you can enjoy it again! Basic conversion to digital costs 1 LD per video tape, and for an additional 1-2 LD I can also edit it, divide it into chapters, and prepare a basic DVD. Note: I have been able to save some of my favorite old shows, but some commercial tapes (like Marx Bros. I discovered) won't allow copying. Call or email for more info. xxxx (XXX) XXX-XXXX

Learn Linux
Learn Linux. I use Linux Mint. Safe, secure, private, trustworthy.

Arts & Crafts
Beaded and Chain-link Jewelry
some items already finished or will consider new items, earrings, necklaces, bracelets and beaded bags

Gardening & Yard Work
Garden Help
I could use a consultant and teacher in my garden.

Health & Personal
Emotional FreedomTechn ique
The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a tapping technique that uses acupuncture points to resolve physical and emotional pain. Once learned you can clear emotional and physical pain blocks without the use of a therapist. It has also come to be commonly referred to as “tapping” as the techniques involve a gentle tapping or percussion of the fingertips on the skin. EFT is a form of psychological acupressure, based on the same energy meridians used in traditional acupuncture to treat physical and emotional ailments for over 5,XXX years, but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem — whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. — and voice positive affirmations. This combination of tapping the energy meridians and voicing positive affirmation works to clear the “short-circuit” — the emotional block — from your body’s bioenergy system, thus restoring your mind and body’s balance, which is essential for optimal health and the healing of physical disease. This can be done via phone, freeconference call or in person.

Need programmer/app developer
The Fourth Corner Exchange needs an App ! We also need assistance programming the Fourth Corner Exchange database. If you have experience with PHP and MySQL and want to earn Life Dollars, lets talk. Generous compensation in LDs, actual rate negotiable. Contact me, or send note with experience to XXXXXXXXXX

Previewing Rentals or Homes for Sale
I had a 20 years career in the real estate industry, most of those as a licensed agent. I can preview rentals homes or homes for sale for you if you are not yet in the Lakeside area. 2.5 LD per hour plus pesos for petrol if outside of Ajijic/San Antonio.

Building Services
Love to swing a hammer
Do you need to build something? Do you need ideas or need to fix something? Let me know what you have in mind and we can see if I can help. I have extensive rough carpentry skills, concrete, fencing, decks, chicken coops, etc. My SUV can carry most supplies. 1LD/hr with possible adjustment or gas for distance driving.

Learn to do your own energy cleanse (which actually works!)
I'll teach you how to do your own energy cleanse, so you can sovereignly cleanse, support, and protect yourself any time you need. I created the Verity Cleanse system after many years of studying and practicing Reiki, Theta Healing, Akashic Records, psychic readings and protections, spirit/entity removal, ritual, yoga, and meditation. This cleanse can help with any energetic imbalances but is most beneficial for those wishing for help with: narcissist abuse recovery and co-dependency, psychic attacks, mind control, aura and torus wounds and openings?, dis-embodyment, possession, and weak intuition. Open to barter, trade, or accept LD or feds.

Professional Services
House Sitter/Pet Sitter
Hello! I'm a well-seasoned house and pet sitter and have been doing this sort of work for many years. In Mexico, I have house and pet sat for a growing list of happy customers, all of them in the Chapala area (e.g. San Antonio, Ajijic). I am happy to look after your home and pets for any length of time. I have also performed long-term jobs, one of these for 3.5 months. Please see my website: XXXXXXXXXX for more information. I look forward to ensuring your home and pets are happy, safe and healthy! Very warmly, xxxx xxxxxxxx

Available to watch pets while you are away. Dependable with extensive pet experience. 2 LD per day

Plant based healthy meals
Willing to cook fresh meals for one person to many people on a random or reoccurring basis. Local and organic ingredients whenever possible with gluten free options. Specifically soups, sauces, casseroles, salad dressings, but more available. 1 LD per half hour to cover food costs or open to trade and barter. Willing to deliver if needed.

Moving help with my van
Moving help with my Dodge Grand Caravan - rear two seats fold into the floor creating a cargo van. LD price is for Ajijic and San Antonio. Additional peso charge for fuel beyond these villages. 2 LD/hour.

Professional Services
Proofreading and Editing
I offer professional and efficient editing of any amount of text, from a paragraph to a book, with quick turnaround time. Nonfiction is my specialty (including Science, Natural History, Travel, and Nature Writing), but I will proofread any piece of your writing for grammar and spelling, and offer constructive feedback on style, clarity, and organization. Open to trades, feds, or LDs, depending on time involved. Email me files or send hard copy. xxxx (XXX) XXX-XXXX

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